We Help Organizations Use Their Facility Data for Management & Planning
Facility Benchmarking, Metric Scorecards, Training Workshops, and Strategic Planning Services
Years of experience.
Founded in 1999
13,000+ Buildings
Worth $13+B
With $750M direct costs
Benchmarked in 2021

Facility Issues helps organizations understand their complete facility picture to allow them to make sensible decisions about their physical property. This means having facilities that best advance the organizational mission and objectives. They can provide a quality physical environment, be cost effective, and environmentally sustainable. We understand that while every decision is not 100% data driven, they should all be informed. So we help you use your facility data for better management and planning.

Document and Improve Performance with Facility Benchmarking
Benchmarking is the easiest and most affordable way to gain insight from your facility data. Understand the context of your performance and quickly identify areas that need attention or not.
The potential cost savings or performance improvement associated with benchmarking can be significant. For example, our Research Facilities group saved more than $158 million of a 5-year period — an average of about $1.25 per square foot annually.
Get a Handle on Your Data With Facility Metrics & Scorecards
Having data at your fingertips is the foundation for being able to use it for management and planning. An integrated scorecard is an approach any organization can use.
Most organizations have facility data scattered across different systems and apps. Pulling it together in a consolidated set of metrics can help you avoid data overload and quickly find the information you need.

Develop Your Capabilities with Facility Metrics Workshops
Facility staff need to be smart consumers and users of data. Focused training can help them quickly start to use your data while they continue to learn other skills as needed.
Brush up your data skills with our hands-on training session specifically designed for facility management staff.
Let Us Help You with Strategic Facility Analysis & Planning
Sometimes it is time for a step-function change or fresh look at your facility assets and operation. Facility Issues can help your organization with ad-hoc facility analysis or strategic facility planning
We use a phased approach for strategic facility planning to align the effort with the magnitude of the potential opportunity, or can support your staff with specific analysis & assessment as needed.

Why Choose Us?
Facility Issues is about helping you use data to improve your facilities and their operation.
The objective of Facility Issues is to help each organization attain the facilities that best support their business mission. This requires alignment of functional space, asset quality, reliability, sustainability, capital investment, operating costs, and service levels that meet the needs of the occupying functions and their culture.
Although we work with a diverse range of organizations, our clients all have the same goal: to improve the performance and reduce costs associated with their buildings and grounds.
We focus on helping you use metrics and identify best practices for your situation and objectives. We believe that integrated scorecards provide the foundation for facility planning and management, and benchmarking is an easy and effective first step facility management performance improvement.
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Do Your Facility Metrics Meet Your Needs?
(By “metrics” we mean the full range of data, KPIs, scorecards, and reporting on your properties and their operation.)
Facility Issues can help you get started with provide one-time services, benchmarking, or ongoing assistance with your facility analytics. But first, take this self-assessment of your situation and objectives to clarify what you need and want.