About This Program
This benchmarking group was originally created by the Canadian Museum of Civilization (now Canadian Museum of History) in 2001 and is designed for those who manage museum and cultural institution facilities.
The survey is endorsed by IAMFA, the International Association of Museum Facility Administrators.

Who are the Participants?
All progressive museums and cultural institutions across the globe are welcome to participate in this benchmarking program. Over 130 institutions from nine countries have participated since the group started.
The following leading organizations have participated for most of the program’s 20 years:
- The J. Paul Getty Museum
- The National Gallery of Art
- The National Gallery of Victoria
- The National Museums of Canada (multiple museums)
- The Smithsonian Institution (multiple museums)

What Is Included in the Cultural Institution
Facility Benchmarking Program?

An example graph of energy use intensity is shown. Each participating institution is shown with a vertical bar. The various color shadings represent the quartiles and the horizontal black line is the median for the group.
The cultural institution facility benchmarking report compares a range of facility metrics – data categories include:
- Operating costs (all types)
- Energy use (all types)
- Sustainability metrics
- Staffing
- Asset condition (FCI)
- Practices & Technology
- and more.
One part of the benchmarking program is about the data: getting started, entry, compile, and reporting.
Another part of the program includes meetings to network, shared practices, provide feedback and discussion results.

Cultural Facility Benchmarking Options
Cultural Facility Benchmarking ProgramOur traditional benchmarking program for organizations with cultural facilities. Our traditional IAMFA Benchmarking program has been ongoing since 2001. Participants include cultural facilities with more than 50,000 gross square feet or…
Cultural Institutions – Annual WorkshopBenchmarking Participants can begin the annual IAMFA conference by the attending the one day session on Facility Management Benchmarking Insights, Case Studies, and Collaborative Discussions immediately prior to the regular…
Facility Metrics ServicesWhether you want some guidance for your team, or a done-for-you solution, you can have all your facility-related data in a single place for all your facility management and planning…
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Program Sponsors
If you are interested in being a cultural facility benchmarking program sponsor in 2023, this is being coordinated with IAMFA sponsorship. Please contact randallomurphy@gmail.com for more information
Do Your Facility Metrics Meet Your Needs?
(By “metrics” we mean the full range of data, KPIs, scorecards, and reporting on your properties and their operation.)
Facility Issues can help you get started with provide one-time services, benchmarking, or ongoing assistance with your facility analytics. But first, take this self-assessment of your situation and objectives to clarify what you need and want.