Left Image
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus id lectus dui. Pellentesque ullamcorper tortor vel ipsum dapibus non elementum tortor dignissim. Aliquam porta commodo est sit amet venenatis. In eget urna mi, adipiscing consectetur nisi. Mauris sollicitudin purus sed enim lobortis quis semper quam eleifend.
Right Image
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus id lectus dui. Pellentesque ullamcorper tortor vel ipsum dapibus non elementum tortor dignissim. Aliquam porta commodo est sit amet venenatis. In eget urna mi, adipiscing consectetur nisi. Mauris sollicitudin purus sed enim lobortis quis semper quam eleifend.
style on these so that rollover on plain icon is light blue like now, and rollover on hyperlink icon has orange background like buttons:
H1 – Title – only place used is heading, white?
H2 – Title
H3 – Title – color
H4 – Title – black
H5 – Title
H6 – Title
normal paragraph text
- List1 – these do not look right on draft but do match normal font when published
- List2
Dark Background Multi Column
Benchmarking is a continuous improvement process where you compare data about your organization’s
facility operations and facility performance metrics with others. The results show how well you perform on selected
metrics and are used to identify best practices that help you improve results and reduce costs.
There are various subtypes of benchmarking based upon what you benchmark, what you compare with,
and the purpose. Here are three examples for facility managers:
Where you compare specific attributes
such as operating costs among your own facilities
or to a target such as budget
Where you compare a full range of
metrics on your facility assets and facility
operations with others like you.
Where you compare a functional business
process such as energy management
with those who are best in class.
sfdaj’ df
dfoj adfj
asdf dfassaafdsasadfdsafdsfdfasdfasdfjsdhfhsdjf;dsjhf;jdhs;jfh;sajdkhf;sakjdhf;kdhf;jdhf;kjhskjdhfkjhhd;kjfh;dKJHF;KJHF;KJHADS;KH;KDSJHF;DJSFH;DSJKHF;KDJHF;KJDSH
1. Update for Changing Needs.
THREE COLUMN: Facility Benchmarking Program has a steering committee to guide metrics of interest and identify best practices and industry trends. Each year the program is updated for emerging concerns in addition to the core data related to facility management.
2. Simplify Data Collection.
We use self-reported data to make our programs easy and affordable. Facility Issues provides templates with instructions and definitions to assemble your data. A Getting Started webinar and instruction documents help new participants. Technical support and answers about the data or system are provided as part of the program.
3. Easy Data Comparisons.
Our benchmarking program results are provided in a business intelligence system with graphs, charts, and tables for various metrics. A Results Review webinar and instruction documents help your staff understand how to use the system and interpret the results.
form right
Phone: (315) 736-1253
Mailing address:
Facility Issues
P.O. Box 345
Marcy, NY 13403
Follow Me:
style all forminator forms to match one above, except button font style should match other buttons on site
Schedule Block : open for data input
sequence image right
Our organization’s physical environments should reflect our values and provide quality public spaces or effective workplaces for our workforce.
Sequence image left
Facility Issues aspires to help organizations of all size apply data driven approaches to planning and operating their facility portfolio
3 versions of this:
- main blog page (articles)
- products listing on categories page (button to be “View details” instead of add to cart
- pattern, so I can link to other pagers, change buttons and content, etc.
Why Choose Us?
Facility Issues is about helping you use data to improve your facilities and their operation.
The objective of Facility Issues is to help each organization attain the facilities that best support their business mission. This requires alignment of functional space, asset quality, reliability, sustainability, capital investment, operating costs, and service levels that meet the needs of the occupying functions and their culture.
Although we work with a diverse range of organizations, our clients all have the same goal: to improve the performance and reduce costs associated with their buildings and grounds.
We focus on helping you use metrics and identify best practices for your situation and objectives. We believe that integrated scorecards provide the foundation for facility planning and management, and benchmarking is an easy and effective first step facility management performance improvement.
create this as a reusable block that I can put right before footer – so no bottom padding (I will edit the contents):
plain footer: