Facility Condition Assessments - Practices and Use

Facility Condition Assessments are becoming a standard practice and used for improved reliability and capital planning. While suggested to be performed on a regular basis, the cost or skill required can be a challenge for some organizaitons. If not integrated with maintenance and project work or updated, confidence in the data is another common challenge.

Please take a couple minutes to complete this month's shared practice survey to share a snapshot of how your organization performs condition assessments and used the resulting data. (You will be sent a copy of the results)

The following abbreviations are used in this survey:
FCA - Facility Condition Assessment is the process by which you evaluate the condition of the facility
FCI - Facility Condition Index is a metric that identifies the relative condition of the facility (typically vs. new as ratio of deferred maintenance/replacement value)

1. FCA Approach show/hide

2. FCA/FCI Use show/hide

3. Some information about you show/hide